about pods

+ What does it mean to create a new Pod?

Starting a Pod means that you are formally creating a new 500 Women Scientists chapter in your geographic area. Any individual can request to start a Pod if there is not an existing Pod in your area. The individual starting a Pod may choose to be the coordinator of that Pod but that is not a requirement.

+ What is the role of a Pod coordinator?

The pod coordinator(s) keep an updated membership list, make executive decisions, help define the pod’s goals, schedule pod meetings, plan events, answer emails, and keep in contact with 500 Women Scientists and the Pods team. Pod coordinators are also expected to schedule a lead Pod coordinator meetings. We recognize that coordinating Pod activities can be time consuming and emotionally taxing. Therefore, we recommend pods form a leadership team with multiple coordinators to distribute the workload.

+ How does one become a Pod coordinator?

There are two ways to become a pod coordinator: you can either start a Pod in a new location, or join the leadership team of an existing Pod.

+ How do I keep an updated list of members?

When new members sign up through Orca to join a pod, pod coordinator(s) will have access to the coordinator console in Orca and will need to vet new pod members. Vetting must be done in a timely manner (within 7 business days) and following the organizations' guidelines.

+ How can my Pod stay informed of events, updates, and general info?

We post announcements on the Pods Slack workspace, and share information in our monthly 500WS newsletter.

Once you are registered in Orca, you will receive communications from 500 Women Scientists from time to time, notifying you of any changes to the Orca platform and other data privacy updates we are required by law to send to members of the platform. Check your email spam inbox for emails from pods@500womenscientists.org. You can find more information about how to use Slack here.

+ What does 501(c)(3) status mean for my Pod?

500 Women Scientists is registered in the United States as a 501(c)(3) s non-profit tax exempt organization. This means donations to the 500 Women Scientists organization are tax deductible in the United States. It also means that we are a non-partisan organization and may not endorse or campaign for political candidates and we are limited in our ability to lobby. U.S.-based pods can fundraise and provide tax exemption documentation to donors, but must follow strict 501(c)(3) guidelines. For more information, contact pods@500womenscientists.org.

+ Are there financial resources to support Pods?

Currently, 500 Women Scientists does not have specific funding to support pods. We are actively working to fundraise to support full time staff and pod activities. Today, our organization is run largely by volunteers and Pods are funded by individual donors. But we are seeking grants and other fundraising opportunities to expand our support for Pods. If you have any ideas for how we can financially support pods, please reach out pods@500womenscientists.org.

+ Can I fundraise for my Pod?

Yes, you can host a fundraiser for your pod. For more information, see the Pods SOP.

About ORCA

+ What is single sign on for 500 Women Scientist Community apps?

As we grow and develop more apps to help our community connect, we wanted to simplify the login process. With a single sign on, you can use one email address and password to log into all of our community applications. You only need to remember one password to login to Gage (our global database of women in STEMM) and Orca (the pods management platform) and in the future, other apps we develop.

+ What if I only have a Gage/Orca account? How do I access the other app?

The first time you attempt to log into the other app, the app will tell you that an account exists for your email address, but for the other app. You will be prompted to Sign Up for the new app. Please use the Sign-Up link and click on the Link Account button to link your accounts. Once you link your accounts, you will be able to log in to Gage and Orca using the same email address and password.

+ What if I don’t remember my password?

Please use the forgot password link below the login.

+ What if I cannot remember what email address I used?

Please try logging into Gage or Orca with the email you believe you used. You will see one of four results.

  1. You logged in correctly.
  2. You see an error saying your password is incorrect. This means this email address is correct for this app but your password is wrong, please reset your password.
  3. You see a message saying this email is in our system but for the other app. Please use the sign-up link and the address you entered to link your accounts.
  4. The system says there is no account for this email address. Please try another address or feel free to Sign-Up as a new user.

+ What if I have used two different email addresses, one in each app?

At this time, you cannot change the email you log in with, only the email address that is displayed in our apps. We recommend you use your personal email address when possible (rather than your employer or institutional email), as they are less likely to change. If you wish to keep the same email you used to create your Gage profile, simply sign up for Orca with the same email address. The sign-up process will prompt you to link your accounts. If you wish to keep your Orca login, sign-up for a Gage account using the address you use for Orca.

+ What if I have more than one Orca account?

We have done our best to consolidate duplicate emails. However, if you have used more than one email to join your pod or you have joined multiple pods using multiple email addresses, you may need to sign in with the email address you wish to keep as your login and rejoin the pods you had joined with your other email address(s). Again, this is only if you have used two or more addresses in signing up for a pod.