Stop Asian Hate

We are disgusted by violence against the Asian and Pacific Islander communities in the US - the March 16 2021 murders in Atlanta, GA are only the latest in a recent uptick of anti-Asian racism in the US and across the world. These latest shootings in Atlanta were motivated by race and gender, a combination of racism and misogyny that Asian women too often face. Violence against women is not new and neither is anti-Asian racism; both are part of a long history of US white supremacy ideology. 

Here is what you can do today and everyday to #StopAsianHate:

  • Take the time to learn the history of racism and discrimination Asians have faced and conitnue to face - do the work; do not ask or place the burden upon your Asian friends to teach you. 

  • Asian stereotypes permeate western society - and have been internalized through persistent media portrayal in movies, television, and theater. We must disrupt such cultural narratives and actively work towards eliminating their impact.

  • Show support and solidarity; do not stand by and do nothing - raise your voice when you see or hear anti-Asian rhetoric, when you see people being targeted, harassed, or worse. Take time to speak with your family and friends about how your own views and acceptance of stereotypes could perpetuate violence. 

  • Check out these resources to help educate yourself and others

  • Support these organizations:

  • Voices to follow: 

As a community, we must continue to work to dismantle racism, misogyny, and white supremacy. We must call these issues by their name and work to ensure everyone is treated with the dignity and humanity they so rightfully deserve.